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In the seven  years since the South Amherst Historical Society became established much has been accomplished.  Without your continued support through memberships, fundraisers, donations  and grants these project would not have been again, Thank you.

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Ohio Historical Marker

The Village of South Amherst Town Hall was, and still is an important landmark.  It served as the heart of the village, as many immigrants were arriving in the village to work at the local quarry.  The property ownership goes back to 1824 at which time it was owned by Eliphalet Redington.  It served as a private residence when purchased by the village from Alexander and Jeannette Born in 1919.   The home was one of the oldest buildings in the village. As the village entered into it's centennial year in 2018, the Ohio Historical Marker, highlighting the original town hall was presented to the village through the efforts of the South Amherst Historical Society and American Legion Post 197.  The Ohio Historical Marker is located in front of the current town hall.

Gold Star Mothers Memorial

It was brought to the attention of the South Amherst Historical Society that many didn't know what a Gold Star Mother was; hence it became a mission to acknowledge and pay tribute to these women whom have given such great sacrifice.  It was important that they not be forgotten. After researching, society members found thirteen women from the village that were Gold Star Mothers. The first part of the project in 2020 consisted of installing flag holders at their place of internment. The Society then went on to obtain funding for a beautiful monument which was installed in Evergreen Cemetery in September of 2021. Funding for the project was obtained through the South Amherst Historical Society, a grant from the Community Foundation of Lorain County and the many donations from the community.

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Pioneer Cemetery Restoration

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While researching the oldest cemetery of the village, it became evident that Pioneer Cemetery was in great need of restoration. This cemetery is the eternal resting place of the families that formed the village of South Amherst. The South Amherst Historical Society along with the South Amherst Cemetery Board joined efforts to begin the restoration process.  The project began in the fall of 2020 with a completion date set for the end of 2025. In 2020, a landscaping company was hired to remove a large area of brush and over growth from the back of the cemetery. In 2021 two events were held; the Brownhelm Historical Association instructed members and friends of the South Amherst Historical Society how to correctly clean and reset headstones. In 2022, part of the fencing was removed with plans to be sent to a company for restoration. Gravestone Restoration Services repaired, and reset twelve headstones  Funding has come from The South Amherst Historical Society, The Village of South Amherst, The Community Foundation of Lorain County, NOPEC, and many donations.

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